Broad Curriculum Program | Panama City, Republic of Panama


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The FSU Panama broad curriculum program gives you the opportunity to study a variety of disciplines while experiencing modern Panama City, historic districts, nearby beaches, and lush tropical regions.

The historic sites, dynamic business environment, and unspoiled terrain yield a wide variety of specialized excursions – which are included in the program fee – extending learning far beyond the classroom. Past excursions have included exploring the engineering marvels of the Panama Canal, touring Panama City’s colonial, old, and cosmopolitan areas, and visiting indigenous communities and their freshwater rapids. Learn about the culture, dances, food, handicrafts, and customs of Panama while living in Panama City. Opportunities for personal travel are provided throughout the program, giving you the freedom to explore on your own.

The FSU Panama calendar is dependent upon the FSU main campus calendar. Program dates are subject to change. Admitted FSU Panama program participants should not purchase a plane ticket for their program until instructed by International Programs to do so.

Program Description

Program Sessions

Do not purchase airline tickets until advised to do so by International Programs.

CodeTermArrival DateDeparture DateFeeApply
PN04Fall 202408/21/2412/14/24$15,845.00Closed
PN05Spring 202501/03/2505/03/25$15,845.00
PN03Summer 202505/08/2508/02/25$14,610.00
PN04Fall 202508/21/2512/13/25$16,130.00Applications open December 04, 2024 09:00 AM.


This program is open to all interested students.

Study Center

Situated within the City of Knowledge, FSU Panama offers the amenities of a full campus. With students studying from all over Latin America and the Caribbean, there is a unique opportunity to meet students from a variety of diverse backgrounds. The City of Knowledge offers amenities such as a food court, swimming pool, basketball court, gym, and more. FSU Panama features classrooms, study spaces, science labs, as well as a library and a bookstore. The student lounge & terrace on the top floor provide views of the Panama Canal and offer the perfect opportunity to spend time with friends while enjoying an empanada from the newly renovated café. On-site security ensures student safety is the top priority. 

Click here to learn more about FSU Panama


Students studying at FSU Panama live in a newly constructed, dormitory-style residence within the City of Knowledge complex. Located just a short walk or shuttle ride away from FSU Panama, each room is equipped with air conditioning, Wi-Fi, TV, mini-fridge, study-space, and balcony. On their floor, students have access to a kitchenette with a microwave, coffee maker, and refrigerator. Fingerprint entry grants students access to a fully equipped kitchen, coin-operated laundry room, vending machines, and student lounge on the main floor. A selection of small restaurants and a nearby convenience store makes it easy for students to purchase household items, grab a bite to eat, or enjoy a leisurely meal with other students and City of Knowledge residents. Overnight guests are not allowed in program housing. ​For a list of hotels in Panama, please click here.

Excursions & Group Activities

Group activities and excursions vary per session and may change due to unexpected events and/or new opportunities. Cultural immersion and social events planned for this program may include the following.

  • Overnight Excursions

    Bocas del Toro, Achotines tuna fish research laboratory, liquor distillery, turtle hatching expedition, highlands of Panama with visit to coffee plantation processing plant, San Blas Islands

  • Day Excursions

    Indigenous communities of Embera People, countryside excursion, certified agro-touristic farm, Taboga/Contadora Islands, Portobelo/San Lorenzo fortress, Isla Grande, Saboga Island, Viveros Island, Playa Blanca and Pollera Conga festival, Diablos and Congos festival, Jungle safari tour with beach and zoo visit, deep-sea fishing, snorkeling, and surfing

  • Panama City Excursions

    Panama Canal Visitor Center, Colonial/Old/Cosmopolitan Area visits, Colón Free Zone, Eco-Canal tour, eco-tourism and hiking

Program Fees


  • All registration fees
  • Instructional costs for 16 credit hours
  • Welcome orientation
  • Housing
  • Some breakfast items
  • Two pizza nights and two group dinners
  • Program-planned excursions
  • Program-planned group activities
  • Full-time academic support
  • On-site administrative & pastoral support
  • Scheduled group airport pick-up
  • 24/7 student support
  • Health insurance
  • IP welcome gift

Do Not Include:

  • Round-trip international airfare
  • Passport
  • Food (except as noted above)
  • Books and supplies
  • Personal travel/activity money
  • Personal spending money
  • University-assessed fees (e.g., per credit hour technology fee)
  • Course-related fees (e.g., theatre tickets)


To speak with the International Programs Academic Advisor about study abroad courses, you can visit our zoom drop-in advising hours on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 10:00am-12:00pm. There are also appointments available via Campus Connect on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. If these times do not work for you, contact our advisor directly at to make an appointment.

IP provides CoreFSU requirement areas to help students make informed decisions. Although every attempt is made to be accurate & current, these designations can be fluid and it is the student’s responsibility to confirm all CoreFSU requirement areas through the CoreFSU Course Search Tool and your major advisor.

Session PN04Fall 2024
ACG2021Introduction To Financial Accounting

This course offers an introduction to financial accounting concepts, placing emphasis on financial statements and how they reflect business transactions. Please note, Accounting Majors must earn at least a "B" in this course to proceed to required 3000 level accounting courses.
ACG2071Introduction Managerial Accounting

This course offers an introduction to managerial accounting concepts. Please note, Accounting majors must earn at least a "B" in this course to proceed to required 3000 level accounting courses.
AMH2020History of the US Since 1877

This course surveys the United States from the end of the Civil War to the present with emphasis on social, economic, and political problems of the 20th century. May not be taken by students with test credit in American history.
ART2003CSurvey Of Studio Art Practices

This course provides an introduction to the theories and creative processes that propel contemporary art and design. The course studies a wide range of media and methods used by visual artists and designers to create meaning in their images, objects, and experiences. Offered to all non-art majors.
BSC1005General Biology For Non-Majors

This course consists of four selected topics in contemporary biology.
BSC1005LGeneral Biology Lab

This course may be taken concurrently with lecture or subsequent to completion of lecture with passing grade.
BSC2010Biological Science I

This course is the first part of a two-semester introductory biology course designed for those interested in pursuing a career in life sciences. The course provides the building blocks necessary for a student to gain a strong foundation in general biology. Topics covered provide an overview of biological processes and function at the molecular, cellular and organismal level.
BSC2010LBiological Science I Lab

This course introduces basic chemistry, energetics, metabolism, and cellular organization; molecular genetics and information flow; animal and plant function.
BSC2011Biological Science II

This course is the second part of a two-semester introductory biology course designed for those interested in pursuing a career in life sciences. The course provides an overview of the processes underlying animal embryonic development, inheritance genetics, evolution and ecology.
CGS2100Microcomputer Applications For Business/Economics

This course enables students in business and economics to become proficient with microcomputer hardware and software applications that are typically used in the workplace. The following topics are covered: hardware concepts, operating systems, word-processing, spreadsheets, databases, networks, Internet, World Wide Web, multi-media presentations, and information systems. May not be applied toward computer science major or minor. Not open to students with credit in CGS 2060.
CGS2518Spreadsheets for Business Environments

This course provides an in-depth study of spreadsheets utilizing a problem-solving approach. Spreadsheet-based solutions are explored for common business tasks and problems. The course presents a thorough coverage of spreadsheet functions and tools, along with a deep understanding of their purpose in a business environment. The course is ideal for students with professional interests related to business and economics, as well as for students wishing to obtain a deeper understanding of spreadsheets in general.
CHM1020Chemistry Liberal Studies

This course introduces basic chemical principles without an extensive use of mathematics and illustrates with applications in health, energy, and the environment. The course strives to show chemistry as a human endeavor that provides insight into the natural world and informs our decisions as citizens and consumers. Specific topics vary by semester. Designed as a course for students who wish to fulfill the liberal studies science requirement with chemistry and will take no further chemistry courses, not as a preparatory course for CHM 1045. Credit not allowed for CHM 1020 after taking CHM 1032, 1045, or equivalent.
CHM1045General Chemistry I

This course includes topics such as chemical symbols, formulas, and equations; states of matter; reactivity in aqueous solution; electronic structure, bonding, and molecular geometry. Students taking CHM 1045 after taking CHM 1020 and/or CHM 1032 may register for reduced credit, as indicated in the department's policy on reduced credit.
CHM1045LGeneral Chemistry I Lab

This laboratory offers an introduction to quantitative techniques and to the chemical laboratory. Topics include stoichiometry, atomic spectra, gases, as well as acids and bases.
CHM1046General Chemistry II

This course includes topics such as intermolecular forces, chemical kinetics, equilibrium, acids and bases, elementary thermodynamics, and electrochemistry.
CHM1046LGeneral Chemistry II Lab

This laboratory offers an introduction to quantitative techniques and to the chemical laboratory. Topics include intermolecular forces, solutions, kinetics, equilibria, acids and bases, buffers, solubility, thermodynamics and electrochemistry.
ECO2013Principles Of Macroeconomics

This course explores aggregate economics and national income determination, money and monetary theory, present macroeconomic conditions, and aggregative policy alternatives; theory of international trade and the balance of payments; economic growth and development.
ECO2023Principles Of Microeconomics

This course covers consumption, production, and resource allocations considered from a private and social point of view; microeconomic problems and policy alternatives; economics of inequality and poverty; and comparative economic systems.
ENC1101Freshman Composition And Rhetoric

This course stresses the importance of critical reading, writing, and thinking skills, as well as the importance of using writing as a recursive process involving invention, drafting, collaboration, revision, rereading, and editing to clearly and effectively communicate ideas for specific purposes, occasions, and audiences. No auditors.
ENC2135Research, Genre & Context

This course focuses on teaching students research skills that allow them to effectively incorporate outside sources in their writing and to compose in a variety of genres for specific contexts.
EVR1001Introduction to Environmental Science

This course is an introduction to environmental science that covers the basic functioning of the earth's environmental system and human effects on that system.
EVR1001LIntroduction to Environmental Science Laboratory

Corequisite: EVR 1001.
FIN3244Financial Markets, Institutions, And Int'l Finance Systems

This course focuses on money and capital markets, financial institutions, financial systems, and financial environment including an introduction to investments. Emphasizes the microfinancial decision-making process of the business firm.
FIN3403Financial Management of the Firm

This course is an examination of the basic concepts involved in the investment, financing, and dividend decisions of the business firm. Managerial orientation with emphasis on identification, analysis, and solution of financial problems confronting the firm.
GEA1000World Geography

This course is a regional survey of the human occupation of the face of the earth, local cultures, political systems, and development problems.
GEO1330Environmental Science

This course explores the causes of local and global environmental problems and their impacts, including resource use, pollution, ecosystems, and population growth.
GEO2200cPhysical Geography

This course is an overview of earth-sun relations, weather, climate, landforms, water systems, soils, and vegetation.
GLY1030Environmental Issues in Geology

This course examines environmental issues as they relate to geological phenomena, which include volcanic and earthquake hazards, resource and land-use planning, air and water pollution, waste disposal, glaciation and sea-level change, landslides, flooding, shoreline erosion, and global change issues. Course credit may not be received for this course and also GLY 1000 or 2010C. Credit can be received for taking GLY 1000L.
IDS2227Sustainable Society

This course provides students with the opportunity to observe and inquire about sustainable practices through field studies at local organic farm, hydro-power station, new urbanism community, and recycling facilities, etc., as well as through interactions with community-based programs. Students will engage in critical thinking about the sustainability of human society and the environment from various aspects, which include producers, consumers, public-service sectors, and policy makers.
IDS2436Contemporary Behavioral & Substance Addictions

This course is designed to provide students with a general knowledge of behavioral and substance addictions from historical, psychological, biological, sociological, and legal perspectives. This course consists of individual written assignments, portfolio, group written projects, student presentations, exams, and lectures by the professor.
IDS2651Language, Body, Mind & World

This course provides an examination of language from biological, psychological, and social perspectives, and considers ways that our knowledge of language can be deployed to tackle real-world issues in areas such as health, law, and education.
IDS2672Music & Film

This course is an overview of the uses and meanings of music in the development of film during the past 130 years. It examines the many different ways that the question of “why music” has been significant and answered by directors, composers, and musicians during this period and especially how music has come to impact the film experience since the introduction of sound. Through the critical examination of selected commercial, independent, avant garde, and international films, music's essential role in cinema will be evaluated.
INR2002Introduction To International Relations

This course introduces students to the study of international relations. Major topics include the different actors that participate in international relations and the different goals they pursue, the processes of conflict and cooperation, and recent trends in international politics.
INR4078Confronting Human Rights Violations

This course investigates various means of confronting massive human rights violations. It compares the recent phenomenon of truth commissions and pardons to the more traditional, legalistic approach of criminal prosecution. Moral issues involved in each approach and how each serves society are explored. Specific truth commission cases are studied.
INS3003Introduction to International Affairs

This course introduces students to the core questions and concerns of international affairs. The course surveys the many distinct academic disciplines that together contribute to the development of an interdisciplinary understanding of the international system. The course also examines how each of these disciplines understands the international system, the questions it raises, and its strengths and weaknesses. In addition, the course provides an introduction to many of the global issues of interest to international affairs majors, including terrorism, democracy, and globalization. At the end of this course, students have the skills and knowledge required to construct their own specialized plan of study in international affairs.
LAH1093Latin America: A Cross-Cultural History

This course is a cross-cultural history of Latin America focusing on women, Native Americans, African-Americans, mestizos, and mulattoes in historical context. The course does not count as credit toward the history major.
LIT2000Introduction to Literature

This course introduces students to key terminology, concepts, and methodologies for the study of complex literature. The course provides a groundwork in literary types for non-majors and is also strongly recommended as preparation for upper-level (3000- or 4000-level) coursework in the field.
MAC1105College Algebra

This course is a review of algebraic operations, equations and inequalities; functions and functional notation; graphs; inverse functions; linear, quadratic, rational function; absolute value; radicals; exponential and logarithmic functions; system of equations and inequalities; applications. On the basis of test scores the student may be required to take a community college course before MAC 1105.
MAC1114Analytic Trignometry

This course covers trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric functions and their graphs; identities and conditional equations; solution of triangles; trigonometric form of complex numbers; DeMoivre's theorem and nth roots; introduction to plane vectors.
MAC1140Precalculus Algebra

This course covers functions and graphs, especially high degree polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions; systems of equations; solutions of linear systems; matrix methods; determinants; sequences and series; induction; and the binomial theorem. The course also explores applications, approximation, and methods of proof. May be taken concurrently with MAC 1114.
MAC2233Calculus For Busines

This course covers limits, continuity, first and higher derivatives, and the differential, with applications to graphing, rates of change, and optimization methods; techniques of integration and applications; introduction to multivariate calculus. Not open to students who have credit in MAC 2311 with a grade of "C-" or better.
MAC2311Calculus With Analytic Geometry I

This course covers polynomial, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions; first and second derivatives and their interpretations; definition and interpretation of the integral; differentiation rules; implicit differentiation; applications of the derivative; anti-derivatives; fundamental theorem of calculus. This course must be taken for reduced credit by students with prior credit for some of the content.
MAC2312Calculus With Analytic Geometry II

This course covers techniques of integration; applications of integration; series and Taylor series; differential equations. This course must be taken for reduced credit by students with prior credit for some of the content.
MAN3240Organizational Behavior

This course covers behavioral concepts, techniques, and applications for managing human resources in all types of organizations.
MAR3023Basic Marketing Concepts

This course is a required prerequisite for all marketing courses. Gives the student an understanding of the decision areas and the ability to utilize marketing concepts to make business decisions.
MUL2010Music Literature, Listening and Understanding

This course is an introduction to music as a manifestation of human culture, as an expressive art form, and as an intellectual discipline. The course also develops a knowledge of a variety of significant musical repertoire, skills for perceptive listening, and the ability to respond to musical expression with critical insight.
PHI2010Introduction To Philosophy

This course introduces some of the central problems in philosophy. Students also learn how to construct and criticize arguments and develop their own philosophical positions.
PHM2300Intro to Political Philosophy

This course introduces students to the main issues in political philosophy: the justification of political authority, role of law, political obligation, neocolonialism, disobedience, revolution, rights, the appropriate ends of government, patterns of distribution and justice.
PHY2048CGen Physics A

This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of how and why things move. Topics covered include kinematics, forces, energy, momentum, oscillations, and thermodynamics. The course is intended for physical science majors and engineers and to be taken as a sequence with General Physics B (PHY 2049C) and Intermediate Modern Physics (PHY 3101). Completing Modern Physics entitles students to a minor in physics. Calculus is used in this course.
PHY2049CGeneral Physics B

This course is an introduction to electricity, magnetism, and optics for physical science majors. Calculus is used. Course consists of lectures, recitations, and laboratory.
POS1041American Government : National

This course investigates how the national government is structured and how the American political system operates. Covers the philosophical and constuitutional foundations of American government, the branches of the nationalt government, the mechanisms by which citizens are connected to their gover nment, and the policy outputs of government.
PPE3003Psychology of Personality

This course is an introduction to methods, theory, and research in personality.
PSB2000Introduction To Brain And Behavior

This course helps students understand basic nervous system mechanisms that underlie behavior and how systematic observation and experimentation are involved in constructing our understanding of these mechanisms. The course also conveys an appreciation for utilizing critical thinking and scientific knowledge when making important decisions. (Cannot be taken after PSB 3004C.)
PSY2012General Psychology

This course is a broad overview covering important psychological principles and findings within the major subfields of psychology, and the basic scientific methods employed. A "bio-psycho-social" approach is emphasized throughout so that all behaviors (including how we think, feel, and act) are discussed in terms of biological, psychological, and social determinants and consequences.
PSY4930Special Topics: Human Sexuality

A description is not currently available for this course.
REL1300Introduction To World Religions

This course surveys the major living religious traditions of the world, with attention to their origins in the ancient world and their classic beliefs and practices.
REL3170Religious Ethics

This course discusses contemporary moral problems such as deception, sexual activities and relations, and capital punishment from the standpoints of major religious traditions.
SPN1120Elementary Spanish I

This course is the first of a three-semester sequence of courses for students with no prior knowledge of the Spanish language, either at the high-school or native-speaker level. The course emphasizes oral communication and grammatical expertise, as well as listening comprehension. Students read short texts and write paragraphs and short compositions in Spanish. May not be taken concurrently with SPN 1121, 1124, and/or 2220. May not be taken by native speakers. Some sections may be computer-assisted.
SPN1121Elementary Spanish II

This course emphasizes oral communication and grammatical expertise, as well as listening comprehension. Students read short texts, poems, and write compositions in Spanish. May not be taken concurrently with SPN 1120, 1124, and/or 2220 or be taken by native speakers.
STA2023Fundamental Business Statistics

This course covers statistical applications in business, involving graphical and numerical descriptions of data, data collection, correlation and simple linear regression, elementary probability, random variables, binomial and normal distributions, sampling distributions, and confidence intervals and hypothesis tests for a single sample.
THE2000Introduction To Theatre

This course focuses on the historical development and basic elements for appreciation and evaluation of theatrical performances. The course is designed for non-majors.
Session PN05Spring 2025
ACG2021Introduction To Financial Accounting

This course offers an introduction to financial accounting concepts, placing emphasis on financial statements and how they reflect business transactions. Please note, Accounting Majors must earn at least a "B" in this course to proceed to required 3000 level accounting courses.
ACG2071Introduction Managerial Accounting

This course offers an introduction to managerial accounting concepts. Please note, Accounting majors must earn at least a "B" in this course to proceed to required 3000 level accounting courses.
AMH2020History of the US Since 1877

This course surveys the United States from the end of the Civil War to the present with emphasis on social, economic, and political problems of the 20th century. May not be taken by students with test credit in American history.
ART2003CSurvey Of Studio Art Practices

This course provides an introduction to the theories and creative processes that propel contemporary art and design. The course studies a wide range of media and methods used by visual artists and designers to create meaning in their images, objects, and experiences. Offered to all non-art majors.
BSC1005General Biology For Non-Majors

This course consists of four selected topics in contemporary biology.
BSC2010Biological Science I

This course is the first part of a two-semester introductory biology course designed for those interested in pursuing a career in life sciences. The course provides the building blocks necessary for a student to gain a strong foundation in general biology. Topics covered provide an overview of biological processes and function at the molecular, cellular and organismal level.
BSC2010LBiological Science I Lab

This course introduces basic chemistry, energetics, metabolism, and cellular organization; molecular genetics and information flow; animal and plant function.
BSC2011Biological Science II

This course is the second part of a two-semester introductory biology course designed for those interested in pursuing a career in life sciences. The course provides an overview of the processes underlying animal embryonic development, inheritance genetics, evolution and ecology.
BSC2011LAnimal Diversity Lab

This course focuses on reproduction and development, transmission (Mendelian) genetics, population biology, ecology, and evolution.

This course offers an examination of the field of criminology, including its theories, basic assumptions, and definitions.
CGS2100Microcomputer Applications For Business/Economics

This course enables students in business and economics to become proficient with microcomputer hardware and software applications that are typically used in the workplace. The following topics are covered: hardware concepts, operating systems, word-processing, spreadsheets, databases, networks, Internet, World Wide Web, multi-media presentations, and information systems. May not be applied toward computer science major or minor. Not open to students with credit in CGS 2060.
CGS2518Spreadsheets for Business Environments

This course provides an in-depth study of spreadsheets utilizing a problem-solving approach. Spreadsheet-based solutions are explored for common business tasks and problems. The course presents a thorough coverage of spreadsheet functions and tools, along with a deep understanding of their purpose in a business environment. The course is ideal for students with professional interests related to business and economics, as well as for students wishing to obtain a deeper understanding of spreadsheets in general.
CHM1020Chemistry Liberal Studies

This course introduces basic chemical principles without an extensive use of mathematics and illustrates with applications in health, energy, and the environment. The course strives to show chemistry as a human endeavor that provides insight into the natural world and informs our decisions as citizens and consumers. Specific topics vary by semester. Designed as a course for students who wish to fulfill the liberal studies science requirement with chemistry and will take no further chemistry courses, not as a preparatory course for CHM 1045. Credit not allowed for CHM 1020 after taking CHM 1032, 1045, or equivalent.
CHM1045General Chemistry I

This course includes topics such as chemical symbols, formulas, and equations; states of matter; reactivity in aqueous solution; electronic structure, bonding, and molecular geometry. Students taking CHM 1045 after taking CHM 1020 and/or CHM 1032 may register for reduced credit, as indicated in the department's policy on reduced credit.
CHM1045LGeneral Chemistry I Lab

This laboratory offers an introduction to quantitative techniques and to the chemical laboratory. Topics include stoichiometry, atomic spectra, gases, as well as acids and bases.
CHM1046General Chemistry II

This course includes topics such as intermolecular forces, chemical kinetics, equilibrium, acids and bases, elementary thermodynamics, and electrochemistry.
CHM1046LGeneral Chemistry Ii Lab

This laboratory offers an introduction to quantitative techniques and to the chemical laboratory. Topics include intermolecular forces, solutions, kinetics, equilibria, acids and bases, buffers, solubility, thermodynamics and electrochemistry.
CHM2210Organic Chemistry I

This course is the first in a sequence of courses for chemistry majors, premedicine students, biologists, or any other majors requiring a good background in organic chemistry, the course covers the fundamentals of structure and chemical behavior of organic molecules.
CLP4143Abnormal Psychology

This course focuses on the causes of personality disorganization, diagnosisand treatment of mental illness, and developments in experimental psychopathology.
DEP3103Child Psychology

This course provides broad coverage of topics concerning the biological, social, and cognitive aspects of children.
ECO2013Principles Of Macroeconomics

This course explores aggregate economics and national income determination, money and monetary theory, present macroeconomic conditions, and aggregative policy alternatives; theory of international trade and the balance of payments; economic growth and development.
ECO2023Principles Of Microeconomics

This course covers consumption, production, and resource allocations considered from a private and social point of view; microeconomic problems and policy alternatives; economics of inequality and poverty; and comparative economic systems.
ENC1101Freshman Composition And Rhetoric

This course stresses the importance of critical reading, writing, and thinking skills, as well as the importance of using writing as a recursive process involving invention, drafting, collaboration, revision, rereading, and editing to clearly and effectively communicate ideas for specific purposes, occasions, and audiences. No auditors.
ENC2135Research, Genre & Context

This course focuses on teaching students research skills that allow them to effectively incorporate outside sources in their writing and to compose in a variety of genres for specific contexts.
EUH320519TH Century Europe

This course is an introduction to key themes and problems in the social, political, and cultural history of Europe from the era of the French Revolution to the outbreak of World War I. Although this is an upper-level course, no prior background in European history is required.
EVR1001Introduction to Environmental Science

This course is an introduction to environmental science that covers the basic functioning of the earth's environmental system and human effects on that system.
EVR1001LIntroduction to Environmental Science Laboratory

Corequisite: EVR 1001.
FIN3244Financial Markets, Institutions, And Int'l Finance Systems

This course focuses on money and capital markets, financial institutions, financial systems, and financial environment including an introduction to investments. Emphasizes the microfinancial decision-making process of the business firm.
FIN3403Financial Management of the Firm

This course is an examination of the basic concepts involved in the investment, financing, and dividend decisions of the business firm. Managerial orientation with emphasis on identification, analysis, and solution of financial problems confronting the firm.
GEO1400Human Geography

This course is an introductory survey of geographic theories, issues and applications from the human perspective. The course discusses how people interact with each other politically, economically, culturally and socially across distances, scales and within various physical environments. In addition, global contrasts are examined using urban versus rural habitation, local versus transnational trade, and uneven economic development.
GIS3015Map Analysis

This course is an introduction to the acquisition, processing, and presentation of cartographic data.
GLY1030Environmental Issues in Geology

This course examines environmental issues as they relate to geological phenomena, which include volcanic and earthquake hazards, resource and land-use planning, air and water pollution, waste disposal, glaciation and sea-level change, landslides, flooding, shoreline erosion, and global change issues. Course credit may not be received for this course and also GLY 1000 or 2010C. Credit can be received for taking GLY 1000L.
IDS2060Global Engagement (Online)

This course gives students the opportunity to study a different country's unique customs, values, and traditions and compare it with their own through actively participating in cultural experiences.
IDS2651Language, Body, Mind & World

This course provides an examination of language from biological, psychological, and social perspectives, and considers ways that our knowledge of language can be deployed to tackle real-world issues in areas such as health, law, and education.
IDS2672Music & Film

This course is an overview of the uses and meanings of music in the development of film during the past 130 years. It examines the many different ways that the question of “why music” has been significant and answered by directors, composers, and musicians during this period and especially how music has come to impact the film experience since the introduction of sound. Through the critical examination of selected commercial, independent, avant garde, and international films, music's essential role in cinema will be evaluated.
INR2002Introduction To International Relations

This course introduces students to the study of international relations. Major topics include the different actors that participate in international relations and the different goals they pursue, the processes of conflict and cooperation, and recent trends in international politics.
INR3084Terror and Politics

This course focuses on terrorist organizations and government responses to them.
INS3003Introduction to International Affairs

This course introduces students to the core questions and concerns of international affairs. The course surveys the many distinct academic disciplines that together contribute to the development of an interdisciplinary understanding of the international system. The course also examines how each of these disciplines understands the international system, the questions it raises, and its strengths and weaknesses. In addition, the course provides an introduction to many of the global issues of interest to international affairs majors, including terrorism, democracy, and globalization. At the end of this course, students have the skills and knowledge required to construct their own specialized plan of study in international affairs.
LAH1093Latin America: A Cross-Cultural History

This course is a cross-cultural history of Latin America focusing on women, Native Americans, African-Americans, mestizos, and mulattoes in historical context. The course does not count as credit toward the history major.
LAH3456History Panama Since 1940

This course covers the history of Panama from 1940 to the present. Emphasizes the impact of WWII, politics, social change, and democracy in Panama.
MAC1105College Algebra

This course is a review of algebraic operations, equations and inequalities; functions and functional notation; graphs; inverse functions; linear, quadratic, rational function; absolute value; radicals; exponential and logarithmic functions; system of equations and inequalities; applications. On the basis of test scores the student may be required to take a community college course before MAC 1105.
MAC1114Analytic Trignometry

This course covers trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric functions and their graphs; identities and conditional equations; solution of triangles; trigonometric form of complex numbers; DeMoivre's theorem and nth roots; introduction to plane vectors.
MAC1140Precalculus Algebra

This course covers functions and graphs, especially high degree polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions; systems of equations; solutions of linear systems; matrix methods; determinants; sequences and series; induction; and the binomial theorem. The course also explores applications, approximation, and methods of proof. May be taken concurrently with MAC 1114.
MAC2233Calculus For Busines

This course covers limits, continuity, first and higher derivatives, and the differential, with applications to graphing, rates of change, and optimization methods; techniques of integration and applications; introduction to multivariate calculus. Not open to students who have credit in MAC 2311 with a grade of "C-" or better.
MAC2311Calculus With Analytic Geometry I

This course covers polynomial, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions; first and second derivatives and their interpretations; definition and interpretation of the integral; differentiation rules; implicit differentiation; applications of the derivative; anti-derivatives; fundamental theorem of calculus. This course must be taken for reduced credit by students with prior credit for some of the content.
MAC2312Calculus With Analytic Geometry II

This course covers techniques of integration; applications of integration; series and Taylor series; differential equations. This course must be taken for reduced credit by students with prior credit for some of the content.
MAN3240Organizational Behavior

This course covers behavioral concepts, techniques, and applications for managing human resources in all types of organizations.
MAR3023Basic Marketing Concepts

This course is a required prerequisite for all marketing courses. Gives the student an understanding of the decision areas and the ability to utilize marketing concepts to make business decisions.
MGF1130Mathematical Thinking

In this course, students utilize multiple means of problem solving through student-centered mathematical exploration. The course is designed to teach students to think more effectively and vastly increase their problem-solving ability through practical application and divergent thinking. This course is appropriate for students in a wide range of disciplines/programs. Completion of two years of high school algebra is recommended prior to taking this course.
MUL2010Music Literature, Listening and Understanding

This course is an introduction to music as a manifestation of human culture, as an expressive art form, and as an intellectual discipline. The course also develops a knowledge of a variety of significant musical repertoire, skills for perceptive listening, and the ability to respond to musical expression with critical insight.
PHI2010Introduction To Philosophy

This course introduces some of the central problems in philosophy. Students also learn how to construct and criticize arguments and develop their own philosophical positions.
PHM2300Intro Political Philosophy

This course introduces students to the main issues in political philosophy: the justification of political authority, role of law, political obligation, neocolonialism, disobedience, revolution, rights, the appropriate ends of government, patterns of distribution and justice.
PHY2048CGeneral Physics A

This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of how and why things move. Topics covered include kinematics, forces, energy, momentum, oscillations, and thermodynamics. The course is intended for physical science majors and engineers and to be taken as a sequence with General Physics B (PHY 2049C) and Intermediate Modern Physics (PHY 3101). Completing Modern Physics entitles students to a minor in physics. Calculus is used in this course.
PHY2049CGeneral Physics B

This course is an introduction to electricity, magnetism, and optics for physical science majors. Calculus is used. Course consists of lectures, recitations, and laboratory.
PSB2000Introduction To Brain And Behavior

This course helps students understand basic nervous system mechanisms that underlie behavior and how systematic observation and experimentation are involved in constructing our understanding of these mechanisms. The course also conveys an appreciation for utilizing critical thinking and scientific knowledge when making important decisions. (Cannot be taken after PSB 3004C.)
PSY2012General Psychology

This course is a broad overview covering important psychological principles and findings within the major subfields of psychology, and the basic scientific methods employed. A "bio-psycho-social" approach is emphasized throughout so that all behaviors (including how we think, feel, and act) are discussed in terms of biological, psychological, and social determinants and consequences.
REL1300Introduction To World Religions

This course surveys the major living religious traditions of the world, with attention to their origins in the ancient world and their classic beliefs and practices.
SPN1121Elementary Spanish II

This course emphasizes oral communication and grammatical expertise, as well as listening comprehension. Students read short texts, poems, and write compositions in Spanish. May not be taken concurrently with SPN 1120, 1124, and/or 2220 or be taken by native speakers.
SPN2220Intermediate Spanish

This course emphasizes oral communication and grammatical expertise, as well as listening comprehension. Students read short stories, poems, and articles, and write extended compositions and papers in Spanish. May not be taken concurrently with SPN 1120, 1121, and/or 1124 or be taken by native speakers.
STA2023Fundamental Business Statistics

This course covers statistical applications in business, involving graphical and numerical descriptions of data, data collection, correlation and simple linear regression, elementary probability, random variables, binomial and normal distributions, sampling distributions, and confidence intervals and hypothesis tests for a single sample.
THE2000Intrododuction To Theatre

This course focuses on the historical development and basic elements for appreciation and evaluation of theatrical performances. The course is designed for non-majors.
URP4402Sustainable Devlpmnt

This course examines various dimensions of the "sustainable development" paradigm and its local-global policy implications, issues, and controversies with a focus upon North American and Latin America. The course is organized into three modules: 1) environmental philosophies that have influenced the movement; 2) North American approaches to planning for sustainable development; and 3) critical issues of sustainable development in Latin America.
WOH2023The Modern World to 1815

This Liberal Studies course deals with the origins and development of the economic, intellectual, political, and religious feature of the modern world from 1450-1815. Students who have previous college credit in Western civilization courses covering the same general chronological period cannot receive credit for WOH 2023. May not be taken by students with test credit in European history.
Session PN03Summer 2025
ACG2021Introduction To Financial Accounting

This course offers an introduction to financial accounting concepts, placing emphasis on financial statements and how they reflect business transactions. Please note, Accounting Majors must earn at least a "B" in this course to proceed to required 3000 level accounting courses.
ACG2071Introduction Managerial Accounting

This course offers an introduction to managerial accounting concepts. Please note, Accounting majors must earn at least a "B" in this course to proceed to required 3000 level accounting courses.
AMH2020History of the US Since 1877

This course surveys the United States from the end of the Civil War to the present with emphasis on social, economic, and political problems of the 20th century. May not be taken by students with test credit in American history.
BSC1005General Biology For Non-Majors

This course consists of four selected topics in contemporary biology.
BSC1005LGeneral Biology Lab

This course may be taken concurrently with lecture or subsequent to completion of lecture with passing grade.
BSC2010Biological Science I

This course is the first part of a two-semester introductory biology course designed for those interested in pursuing a career in life sciences. The course provides the building blocks necessary for a student to gain a strong foundation in general biology. Topics covered provide an overview of biological processes and function at the molecular, cellular and organismal level.
BSC2010LBiological Science I Lab

This course introduces basic chemistry, energetics, metabolism, and cellular organization; molecular genetics and information flow; animal and plant function.
CGS2100Microcomputer Applications For Business/Economics

This course enables students in business and economics to become proficient with microcomputer hardware and software applications that are typically used in the workplace. The following topics are covered: hardware concepts, operating systems, word-processing, spreadsheets, databases, networks, Internet, World Wide Web, multi-media presentations, and information systems. May not be applied toward computer science major or minor. Not open to students with credit in CGS 2060.
CGS2518Spreadsheets for Business Environments

This course provides an in-depth study of spreadsheets utilizing a problem-solving approach. Spreadsheet-based solutions are explored for common business tasks and problems. The course presents a thorough coverage of spreadsheet functions and tools, along with a deep understanding of their purpose in a business environment. The course is ideal for students with professional interests related to business and economics, as well as for students wishing to obtain a deeper understanding of spreadsheets in general.
CHM1020Chemistry Liberal Studies

This course introduces basic chemical principles without an extensive use of mathematics and illustrates with applications in health, energy, and the environment. The course strives to show chemistry as a human endeavor that provides insight into the natural world and informs our decisions as citizens and consumers. Specific topics vary by semester. Designed as a course for students who wish to fulfill the liberal studies science requirement with chemistry and will take no further chemistry courses, not as a preparatory course for CHM 1045. Credit not allowed for CHM 1020 after taking CHM 1032, 1045, or equivalent.
CHM1045General Chemistry I

This course includes topics such as chemical symbols, formulas, and equations; states of matter; reactivity in aqueous solution; electronic structure, bonding, and molecular geometry. Students taking CHM 1045 after taking CHM 1020 and/or CHM 1032 may register for reduced credit, as indicated in the department's policy on reduced credit.
CHM1045LGeneral Chemistry I Lab

This laboratory offers an introduction to quantitative techniques and to the chemical laboratory. Topics include stoichiometry, atomic spectra, gases, as well as acids and bases.
CHM1046General Chemistry Ii

This course includes topics such as intermolecular forces, chemical kinetics, equilibrium, acids and bases, elementary thermodynamics, and electrochemistry.
CHM1046LGeneral Chemistry Ii Lab

This laboratory offers an introduction to quantitative techniques and to the chemical laboratory. Topics include intermolecular forces, solutions, kinetics, equilibria, acids and bases, buffers, solubility, thermodynamics and electrochemistry.
CHM2011Organic Chemistry II

A description is not currently available for this course.
CLP3003Psychology Of Adjustment

This course covers human adjustments and the resulting forms of behavior. Abnormal and normal behavior are contrasted. Special emphasis on the determinants of adjustments.
CLP3305Clinical And Counseling Psychology

This course is a survey of the theory, research, and treatment procedures in the clinical process.
ECO2013Principles Of Macroeconomics

This course explores aggregate economics and national income determination, money and monetary theory, present macroeconomic conditions, and aggregative policy alternatives; theory of international trade and the balance of payments; economic growth and development.
ECO2023Principles Of Microeconomics

This course covers consumption, production, and resource allocations considered from a private and social point of view; microeconomic problems and policy alternatives; economics of inequality and poverty; and comparative economic systems.
ENC1101Freshman Composition And Rhetoric

This course stresses the importance of critical reading, writing, and thinking skills, as well as the importance of using writing as a recursive process involving invention, drafting, collaboration, revision, rereading, and editing to clearly and effectively communicate ideas for specific purposes, occasions, and audiences. No auditors.
ENC2135Research, Genre & Context

This course focuses on teaching students research skills that allow them to effectively incorporate outside sources in their writing and to compose in a variety of genres for specific contexts.
EVR1001Introduction to Environmental Science

This course is an introduction to environmental science that covers the basic functioning of the earth's environmental system and human effects on that system.
EVR1001LIntroduction to Environmental Science Laboratory

Corequisite: EVR 1001.
FIN3244Financial Markets, Institutions, And Int'l Finance Systems

This course focuses on money and capital markets, financial institutions, financial systems, and financial environment including an introduction to investments. Emphasizes the microfinancial decision-making process of the business firm.
FIN3403Financial Management of the Firm

This course is an examination of the basic concepts involved in the investment, financing, and dividend decisions of the business firm. Managerial orientation with emphasis on identification, analysis, and solution of financial problems confronting the firm.
GEO1330Environmental Science

This course explores the causes of local and global environmental problems and their impacts, including resource use, pollution, ecosystems, and population growth.
GEO1400Human Geography

This course is an introductory survey of geographic theories, issues and applications from the human perspective. The course discusses how people interact with each other politically, economically, culturally and socially across distances, scales and within various physical environments. In addition, global contrasts are examined using urban versus rural habitation, local versus transnational trade, and uneven economic development.
GEO4357Environmental Conflict & Econ. Development

This course examines controversies over the use, transformation, and destruction of nature, including political ecology.
GIS4043Geographical Information Systems

This course is a survey of GIS topics, including locational control, spatial data structures, modeling and analysis, and future trends in decision support, sensors, and geographic methods.
GIS4043lGeographical Information Systems Lab

This course is a survey of GIS topics, including locational control, spatial data structures, modeling and analysis, and future trends in decision support, sensors, and geographic methods.
GLY1030Environmental Issues in Geology

This course examines environmental issues as they relate to geological phenomena, which include volcanic and earthquake hazards, resource and land-use planning, air and water pollution, waste disposal, glaciation and sea-level change, landslides, flooding, shoreline erosion, and global change issues. Course credit may not be received for this course and also GLY 1000 or 2010C. Credit can be received for taking GLY 1000L.
IDS2651Language, Body, Mind & World

This course provides an examination of language from biological, psychological, and social perspectives, and considers ways that our knowledge of language can be deployed to tackle real-world issues in areas such as health, law, and education.
IDS2672Music & Film

This course is an overview of the uses and meanings of music in the development of film during the past 130 years. It examines the many different ways that the question of “why music” has been significant and answered by directors, composers, and musicians during this period and especially how music has come to impact the film experience since the introduction of sound. Through the critical examination of selected commercial, independent, avant garde, and international films, music's essential role in cinema will be evaluated.
INR2002Introduction To International Relations

This course introduces students to the study of international relations. Major topics include the different actors that participate in international relations and the different goals they pursue, the processes of conflict and cooperation, and recent trends in international politics.
INS3003Introduction to International Affairs

This course introduces students to the core questions and concerns of international affairs. The course surveys the many distinct academic disciplines that together contribute to the development of an interdisciplinary understanding of the international system. The course also examines how each of these disciplines understands the international system, the questions it raises, and its strengths and weaknesses. In addition, the course provides an introduction to many of the global issues of interest to international affairs majors, including terrorism, democracy, and globalization. At the end of this course, students have the skills and knowledge required to construct their own specialized plan of study in international affairs.
LAH1093Latin America: A Cross-Cultural History

This course is a cross-cultural history of Latin America focusing on women, Native Americans, African-Americans, mestizos, and mulattoes in historical context. The course does not count as credit toward the history major.
MAC1105College Algebra

This course is a review of algebraic operations, equations and inequalities; functions and functional notation; graphs; inverse functions; linear, quadratic, rational function; absolute value; radicals; exponential and logarithmic functions; system of equations and inequalities; applications. On the basis of test scores the student may be required to take a community college course before MAC 1105.
MAC1114Analytic Trignometry

This course covers trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric functions and their graphs; identities and conditional equations; solution of triangles; trigonometric form of complex numbers; DeMoivre's theorem and nth roots; introduction to plane vectors.
MAC1140Precalculus Algebra

This course covers functions and graphs, especially high degree polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions; systems of equations; solutions of linear systems; matrix methods; determinants; sequences and series; induction; and the binomial theorem. The course also explores applications, approximation, and methods of proof. May be taken concurrently with MAC 1114.
MAC2233Calculus For Busines

This course covers limits, continuity, first and higher derivatives, and the differential, with applications to graphing, rates of change, and optimization methods; techniques of integration and applications; introduction to multivariate calculus. Not open to students who have credit in MAC 2311 with a grade of "C-" or better.
MAC2311Calculus With Analytic Geometry I

This course covers polynomial, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions; first and second derivatives and their interpretations; definition and interpretation of the integral; differentiation rules; implicit differentiation; applications of the derivative; anti-derivatives; fundamental theorem of calculus. This course must be taken for reduced credit by students with prior credit for some of the content.
MAC2312Calculus With Analytic Geometry II

This course covers techniques of integration; applications of integration; series and Taylor series; differential equations. This course must be taken for reduced credit by students with prior credit for some of the content.
MAC2313Calculus With Analytic Geometry III

This course covers functions of several variables and their graphical representations; vectors; partial derivatives and gradients; optimization; multiple integration; polar, spherical, and cylindrical coordinate systems; curves; vector fields; line integrals; flux integrals; divergence theorem and Stokes' theorem. This course must be taken for reduced credit by students with prior credit for some of the content.
MAN3240Organizational Behavior

This course covers behavioral concepts, techniques, and applications for managing human resources in all types of organizations.
MAR3023Basic Marketing Concepts

This course is a required prerequisite for all marketing courses. Gives the student an understanding of the decision areas and the ability to utilize marketing concepts to make business decisions.
MUL2010Music Literature, Listening and Understanding

This course is an introduction to music as a manifestation of human culture, as an expressive art form, and as an intellectual discipline. The course also develops a knowledge of a variety of significant musical repertoire, skills for perceptive listening, and the ability to respond to musical expression with critical insight.
PHI2010Introduction To Philosophy

This course introduces some of the central problems in philosophy. Students also learn how to construct and criticize arguments and develop their own philosophical positions.
PHM2300Intro to Political Philosophy

This course introduces students to the main issues in political philosophy: the justification of political authority, role of law, political obligation, neocolonialism, disobedience, revolution, rights, the appropriate ends of government, patterns of distribution and justice.
PHY2048CGeneral Physics A

This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of how and why things move. Topics covered include kinematics, forces, energy, momentum, oscillations, and thermodynamics. The course is intended for physical science majors and engineers and to be taken as a sequence with General Physics B (PHY 2049C) and Intermediate Modern Physics (PHY 3101). Completing Modern Physics entitles students to a minor in physics. Calculus is used in this course.
PHY2049CGeneral Physics B

This course is an introduction to electricity, magnetism, and optics for physical science majors. Calculus is used. Course consists of lectures, recitations, and laboratory.
PSB2000Introduction To Brain And Behavior

This course helps students understand basic nervous system mechanisms that underlie behavior and how systematic observation and experimentation are involved in constructing our understanding of these mechanisms. The course also conveys an appreciation for utilizing critical thinking and scientific knowledge when making important decisions. (Cannot be taken after PSB 3004C.)
PSY2012General Psychology

This course is a broad overview covering important psychological principles and findings within the major subfields of psychology, and the basic scientific methods employed. A "bio-psycho-social" approach is emphasized throughout so that all behaviors (including how we think, feel, and act) are discussed in terms of biological, psychological, and social determinants and consequences.
REL1300Introduction To World Religions

This course surveys the major living religious traditions of the world, with attention to their origins in the ancient world and their classic beliefs and practices.
REL3170Religious Ethics

This course discusses contemporary moral problems such as deception, sexual activities and relations, and capital punishment from the standpoints of major religious traditions.
SOP3004Social Psychology

This course involves scientific study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another. Subjects include individual, cultural, behavioral, and biological levels of analysis.
STA2023Fundamental Business Statistics

This course covers statistical applications in business, involving graphical and numerical descriptions of data, data collection, correlation and simple linear regression, elementary probability, random variables, binomial and normal distributions, sampling distributions, and confidence intervals and hypothesis tests for a single sample.
THE2000Introduction To Theatre

This course focuses on the historical development and basic elements for appreciation and evaluation of theatrical performances. The course is designed for non-majors.

*/**/***/****/^ Courses followed by these symbols denote cross listing. Students may take one or the other, but not both.

Money Matters

We understand financial considerations heavily influence study abroad decisions. The International Programs Financial Team hosts financial aid workshops and can answer financial aid questions during in-person advising appointments or via email:

Program Fees

Instead of main campus tuition, participants pay an International Program (IP) fee that typically includes instructional costs for a set number of credit hours, housing abroad during the program dates, international health insurance coverage, plus excursions & group activities. Each program fee is listed on the garnet Description tab of the program page, along with the specific expenses that are/are not included.


The program fee is split into two payments: a non-refundable ‘commitment fee’ followed by a second ‘full payment’ to pay the remaining balance of the program fee. Check the garnet Dates & Docs tab of the program page for specific payment due dates. To make a payment, click here. Always review the cancellation & fee liability policy for your program before making a payment or deferment.

Financial Aid

Almost all sources of Financial aid (Florida Prepaid, Bright Futures, Loans, Grants, VA funding, Scholarships) can be used toward program fees. Click the boxes below and review the IP Financial Aid Handbook to learn more about financial aid for studying abroad, including the fee deferment process that allows those receiving financial aid to delay paying a portion of their program fee until the beginning of their program term, when most financial aid will have disbursed. A deferment does not reduce your balance owed, it only changes the due date.

For information about the 1098-T form, click here.

Florida Bright Futures

Florida Bright Futures scholarship funds may be used to help pay the program fee for every semester a student is abroad.

The Florida Department of Education website contains additional information concerning eligibility, renewal criteria, appeal processes and legislative updates.

Credit Hours Bright Futures Academic Bright Futures Medallion
3 $640.65 $480.48
6 $1281.30 $960.96
7 $1494.85 $1121.12
8 $1708.40 $1281.28
9 $1921.95 $1441.44
10 $2135.50 $1601.60
11 $2349.05 $1761.76
12 $2562.60 $1921.92
13 $2776.15 $2082.08
14 $2989.70 $2242.24
15 $3203.25 $2402.40
16 $3416.80 $2562.56
17 $3630.35 $2722.72
18 $3843.90 $2882.88

Note: Eligibility for Bright Futures in the summer requires enrollment in at least six credit hours.

Quick Links

Florida Prepaid

Florida Prepaid (FPP) tuition and local fees and/or dorm benefits may be used to pay International Programs fees.

To use a Florida Prepaid dorm account during the summer term, the purchaser of the Prepaid account must contact Florida Prepaid and complete the steps required to authorize use of the summer dorm plan for studying abroad. All other plans will be billed by FSU without additional authorization.

Contact Florida Prepaid directly at 1-800-552-4723.

How much is my Florida Prepaid worth if I study abroad?

# of Credits Enrolled FPP Tuition FPP Local Fees* Dorm Rate
1 $115.08 $34.73 $4050.00
2 $230.16 $69.46 Per Term**
3 $345.24 $104.19
4 $460.32 $138.92
5 $575.40 $173.65
6 $690.48 $208.38
7 $805.56 $243.11
8 $920.64 $277.84
9 $1035.72 $312.57
10 $1150.80 $347.30
11 $1265.88 $382.03
12 $1380.96 $416.76
13 $1496.04 $451.49
14 $1611.12 $486.22
15 $1726.20 $520.95
16 $1841.28 $555.68
17 $1956.36 $590.41
  • * Please note the above tuition and fees are subject to change at any time.

Quick Links

International Programs Scholarship Opportunities

International Programs strives to award an average of $200,000 in scholarships annually to about 100 students.

Current FSU students who have applied to an international program can apply to the International Programs scholarship opportunity through the FS4U portal (link below). Before applying, students should review the list of available awards that are made from this opportunity as well as the application process instructions.

Please note: IP scholarships are not available to in-state/out-of-state students currently on the First Year Abroad (FYA) program or First Semester Abroad (FSA) program or those who are directly enrolled at FSU Panama. Some scholarships may have additional eligibility criteria in addition to what is listed below. Please reference the Scholarship Application Instructions for complete details.

Scholarship Application Deadlines

Program Start Date Scholarship Open Date Scholarship Application Deadline Scholarship Award Decisions Communicated to Applicants
Spring 2025 April 29, 2024 September 4, 2024 Prior to September 18, 2024
Summer 2025 November 1, 2024 December 31, 2024 Prior to January 15, 2025
Fall 2025 January 5, 2025 April 23, 2025 Prior to May 1, 2025
Spring 2026 April 28, 2025 September 3, 2025 Prior to September 17, 2025

Scholarships Administered by Other FSU Departments

Other departments at FSU also offer their own study abroad scholarship opportunities. You can review the list of scholarships administered by other FSU departments by following the link below.

Scholarships Administered by Other FSU Departments

Other departments at FSU also offer their own study abroad scholarship opportunities. You can review the list of scholarships administered by other FSU departments by following the link below.

Other Scholarship Opportunities

Follow the link below for a general listing of  scholarships that may be available for international study. These scholarships are available to both FSU students and non-FSU students.

Related Materials

Additional Discount or Savings Opportunities

Multi-Term Discount

Students who have completed 15 or more credit hours on programs administered by the International Programs office, earning at least a 3.0 average or above in their course work at an international location(s), are eligible for a discount for subsequent IP program. The discount is $500 for summer session or $1,000 for fall or spring semester. Note: This discount is built into the program fees for First Year Abroad program students.

FSU Fees

Technology Fee (Not Included in Program Fees)

FSU assesses a technology fee which is NOT included in the International Programs fee. The technology fee rate for 2024-2025 is assessed at $5.25 per credit hour for all students, regardless of location of study.

After registering for classes for the term abroad, the student will be charged the applicable technology fees; these fees are paid directly to Florida State University Office of Student Finance. Failure to pay these fees will result in a late payment charge being assessed to the student by Florida State University Office of Student Finance. International Programs has no control over these fees or any associated late payment penalty.

Facilities & Equipment Fees (Not Included in Program Fees)

International Programs fees do NOT include Facilities and Equipment Fees, which are assessed each semester for some majors (Medicine, Motion Pictures Arts, Music, Nursing, Fine Arts, Dance, Digital Media Production, etc.) even though you are studying overseas. If you are in one of these colleges/majors, you will be assessed a fee. Details can be found on the Registration Guide, under 'Fees and Financial Information.'

Financial Aid Info Sessions

The world is within your reach! Talk with a member of IP's Finances Team to learn how your financial aid can help you have a study abroad experience of a lifetime!

Book an appointment with an IP Financial Aid representative, click here. For additional questions, contact us at Be sure to follow us on social media @fsuip for updates.

Deferment Forms

If a student will be receiving any form of financial aid or payment assistance, including Bright Futures, Florida Prepaid, other scholarships, veteran’s benefits, or has a 529 savings plan and needs additional time to gather those resources, the fee deferment allows those receiving assistance to delay paying a portion of their program fee until the beginning of their program term, when most financial aid will have disbursed. A deferment does not reduce the balance owed, it only changes the due date of the portion deferred. All amounts deferred are due 10 days after the program term starts. Always review the cancellation & fee liability policy for your program before completing a deferment. The online fee deferment is located in the International Programs Student Portal under the Money Matters area. Login here to access the portal.

General Program Fee Liability (Including Withdrawal & Refund Policy)


All cancellation requests must be sent directly by the applicant via email to When submitting your cancellation request, please ensure your email includes:

Subject Line: Include your last name and the program code.
Email Body: State the reason for cancellation, include the program code again, and provide your campus ID or EMPLID.

The date that FSU International Programs receives the written cancellation request will be considered the official date of cancellation/withdrawal. Participants admitted to an International Program who cancel after the payment due date has passed will still be responsible for the program fees as outlined below.


  • APPLICATION FEE: All applicants to International Programs must pay a non-refundable, non-transferrable application fee before their application is processed. This fee varies by program and does not guarantee admission.
  • COMMITMENT FEE: The Commitment Fee is a non-refundable payment that signifies a financial commitment to participate in a specific International Program. If the Commitment Fee is not paid or deferred by the due date, the applicant will be canceled from the program. This fee varies by program and cannot be transferred between programs or semesters.
  • Admitted participants who fail to pay or defer the Commitment Fee by the published due date will be cancelled from their international program
  • Commitment Fee amounts vary by program and cannot be transferred between programs or semesters
  • REMAINING BALANCE: After the Commitment Fee, any outstanding amount is referred to as the remaining balance. Participants who cancel on or before the Full Payment Due Date will only be liable for the Commitment Fee. Failure to pay or defer the remaining belance by the Full Payment Due Date results in cancellation from the program. If payment or deferment is made but cancellation occurs after the Full Payment Due Date, participants are liable for the entire program fee.
  • Participants who submit a cancellation request on or before the Full Payment Due Date will remain financially liable for the Commitment Fee previously paid or deferred
  • Failure to pay or defer the remaining balance of program fees by the published Full Payment Due Date will result in cancellation from the program
  • Participants who pay or defer the remaining balance of program fees but submit a cancellation request after the Full Payment Due Date will remain financially liable for the full program fee, including the Commitment Fee
  • For internship programs, program fees will be fully refunded if International Programs is unable to secure an internship placement 60 days prior to the start of the program, unless the student agrees to an extension.
  • DEFERRED FEES: Participants expecting financial aid or other assistance can defer a portion of their fees through a legally binding fee deferment agreement. Full payment of deferred fees is due by the 10th day of the term abroad. Non-FSU students cannot defer the Commitment Fee but may defer up to half of their remaining balance post-Commitment Fee payment.
  • International Programs must receive payment for all deferred fees on or before the 10th day of the program (or the 10th day of the Spring Term for Spring Break programs)
  • Non-FSU students may not defer the Commitment Fee but may defer up to half of their remaining balance after payment of the Commitment Fee
  • Participants who request cancellation after submitting a legally binding fee deferment agreement will remain financially liable for the Commitment Fee or the full program fee, as determined by the timing of their cancellation request in relation to the published payment due dates as outlined above


No refunds or releases from fee liability are possible after a program has begun or after the program or semester has ended. Full refunds, including the Commitment Fee, are granted only under specific conditions such as involuntary military duty, death of the student or immediate family member, prior to the program start, with appropriate documentation.

  • FULL REFUNDS of paid program fees (including the Commitment Fee) or a release of liability from deferred program fees will be granted for student cancellations prior to the start of the program under the following circumstances, upon submitting an appeal, accompanied by appropriate documentation:
  • Involuntary call to active duty
  • Death of the student or a death in the immediate family (parent or step-parent, legal guardian, spouse, child, sibling, or grandparent)
  • PARTIAL REFUNDS: Partial refunds excluding the Commitment Fee may be granted for medical withdrawals or other exceptional unforeseen circumstances before the program starts. Appeals must include relevant documentation and are subject to review by the FSU University Health Services and the International Programs Refund Committee.
  • Medical withdrawal: Illness of the student of such a duration or severity that it precludes overseas travel. The student will be required to submit all relevant medical records for review and evaluation by FSU’s University Health Services. University Health Services will advise International Programs’ refund committee of its recommendation. International Programs’ refund committee will notify the student of the decision.
  • Exceptional unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the student with appropriate documentation, as approved by the International Programs refund committee.


To request a partial refund or release of liability, please submit your appeal to the International Programs Refund Committee. Appeals should be emailed to with the following details:

  • Subject Line: Include your last name and the program code.
  • Attachment: Attach a separate PDF or Word document that outlines a timeline of events. This timeline should detail the reasons for your appeal, including exact dates and times leading up to your official date of cancellation.
  • Supporting Documentation: Include any documents that support your timeline of events and substantiate your appeal.

If additional documents or further explanations are required, they will be requested by the committee to ensure a thorough review and to aid in making a fair decision. Please note that submitting an appeal does not guarantee approval.
The Refund Committee will consider the timing of the cancellation in relation to the event necessitating withdrawal and the start date of the program. Approved appeals based on medical withdrawal or exceptional circumstances may result in partial refunds or releases from fee liability, depending on the cancellation date.

When evaluating appeals, the Refund Committee considers the timeliness of the cancellation request in relation to the event causing the need for withdrawal and in relation to the program start date. Should the Refund Committee approve an appeal on the basis of medical withdrawal or exceptional unforeseen circumstances, participants may receive a partial refund / partial release of fee liability as determined by their cancellation date in the chart below:

If Cancellation Date is…
Participant's Financial Liability if
appeal is approved by IP Refund
Max amount of refund / release of
financial liability if appeal is
approved by IP Refund Committee
60 days or more before
program start date
Commitment Fee + 25% of remaining
program fee balance
75% of program fee balance after the
commitment fee
59-31 days before
program start date
Commitment Fee + 50% of remaining
program fee balance
50% of program fee balance after the
commitment fee
30 days or less before
program start date
Commitment Fee + 75% of remaining
program fee balance
25% of program fee balance after the
commitment fee
On or after program
start date
Liable for full program fee No refund/release of financial


Refunds of program fees/release of liability for program fees will be granted when International Programs cancels a program prior to the beginning of the applicable term.

If FSU International Programs cancels an International Program after the program start date (or after the start of domestic or online coursework prior to the study abroad component of Spring Break/short-term programs) due to causes beyond the control of FSU International Programs, including, but not limited to, acts of God; natural disasters; riots; war; epidemics; terrorist activities; government restrictions; failure of suppliers, subcontractors, or carriers; or travel warnings or prohibitions issued by the World Health Organization or any U.S. federal government agency, including the Centers for Disease Control and the U.S. Department of State, no refunds of any kind will be issued. However, FSU International Programs, in its sole discretion, may issue refunds for unused program costs such as housing.

Spring 2019 General Program Fee Liability (Including Withdrawal & Refund Policy)

Application Fee

The $100 application fee is nonrefundable.

Confirmation Deposit

The $1500 confirmation deposit is refundable until the close of business on the deposit’s due date. If an applicant has paid the deposit or been granted a deferred payment plan for the deposit and has not withdrawn from a program as of the close of business on the deposit due date, the applicant becomes fully liable for the confirmation deposit. Students whose offer of admission to Florida State University is rescinded after the confirmation deposit is paid or deferred (in accordance with the due date) will not be able to participate but remain fee liable for the confirmation deposit.

Full Program Fee

Program applicants who have demonstrated their intent to participate in the program by payment or by deferral of the confirmation deposit and who have not withdrawn from the program as of the full payment due date become fully liable for the full program fee as of the close of business on the full payment due date.

Refunds of Program Fees

Refunds of program fees WILL BE granted in instances of withdrawal prior to the start of the program under the following circumstances:

  1. Cancellation of program by International Programs
  2. Involuntary call to active duty
  3. Death of the student or death in the immediate family (parent, legal guardian, spouse, child, or sibling)

Refunds of program fees will not be granted where a student becomes ineligible to participate in a program for failure to meet or maintain admission requirements.

Partial Refunds of Program Fees

Partial refunds of program fees MAY BE granted in instances of withdrawal prior to the start of the program under the following circumstances:

  1. Illness of the student of such duration or severity that it precludes overseas travel. The student will be required to submit all relevant medical records for review and evaluation by Florida State's University Health Services. University Health Services will advise International Programs’ refund committee of its recommendation. International Programs’ refund committee will notify the student of the decision.
  2. Exceptional circumstances that could not have been foreseen and were beyond the control of the student, as approved by the International Programs’ refund committee.
    • Timely notification in relation to the event that caused the need for withdrawal will be considered in evaluating refund requests. In no instance will a request be considered if it is made after the end of the semester for which the refund is requested.
    • Refunds cannot be granted, under any circumstances, in instances of withdrawal after a program has begun.
    • Applicants who apply and are accepted after the published due dates remain liable for fees in accordance with the published due dates.
  3. Rescission of admission by the Florida State University Office of Admission for failure to meet the conditions of one’s admission. Students whose admission offer to Florida State University is rescinded after the confirmation deposit is paid or deferred (in accordance with the due date) remain fee liable for the confirmation deposit

Submitting Withdrawals, Requests for Refunds, and Release from Fee Liability

All withdrawals, requests for refunds, and requests for release from fee liability must be submitted in writing via email to International Programs. Applicants should include their last name and program code in the subject line of the email.

Alternatively, requests can be submitted in writing to International Programs at the following postal address:

Attention: Refund Committee
Office of FSU International Programs
A5500 University Center
282 Champions Way
P.O. Box 3062420
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2420

Visa Information

Republic of Panama

A visa is required for U.S. citizens participating in a study abroad program longer than 90 days.


U.S. citizens participating in a study abroad program in Panama over the summer will not need to apply for a visa as long as the length of the program is under 90 days. Please keep the following immigration requirements in mind:

  • Passport Validity: Participants must hold a passport valid for at least six months beyond their intended departure from Panama containing at least two empty visa pages. For more information regarding passports, please visit Passports on our website.
  • Travel Restrictions: U.S. citizens are permitted to travel up to 90 within 180 days in Panama. If you plan to travel before or after your program, please ensure that you will not be in Panama longer than 90 days.
  • Criminal Record Restriction: Although Panamanian Immigration Authorities do not require tourists to obtain a criminal background check to enter the country, they reserve the right to deny entry to any person with a criminal conviction.
  • Non-U.S. Citizens: Immigration requirements for non-U.S. citizens may be different than those of U.S. citizens. Please be advised that you will need to be in possession of your Permanent Resident Card, or U.S. visa, to allow re-entry into the United States following your program. If you are a non-U.S. citizen, please contact


The majority of your immigration process will take place in Panama with assistance from the Florida State University Republic of Panama staff. Please be aware of the following requirements before departure:

  • Passport Validity: Participants must hold a passport valid for at least six months beyond their intended departure from Panama containing at least two empty visa pages. For more information regarding passports, please visit Passports on our website.
  • Criminal Record Restriction: Although Panamanian Immigration Authorities do not require tourists to obtain a criminal background check to enter the country, they reserve the right to deny entry to any person with a criminal conviction.
  • Under 18 Years of Age: Participants under the age of 18 must submit additional documentation. Please contact if you will be under 18 upon arrival in Panama.
  • Non-U.S. Citizens: Immigration requirements for non-U.S. citizens may be different than those of U.S. citizens. Please be advised that you will need to be in possession of your Permanent Resident Card, or U.S. visa, to allow re-entry into the United States following your program. If you are a non-U.S. citizen, please contact

Important Dates & Documents

Spring 2025
Applications Open*Wednesday, April 03, 2024 $100.00
Scholarship Applications DueWednesday, September 04, 2024
Commitment Fee DueWednesday, September 18, 2024$1500.00
Full Payment DueWednesday, October 16, 2024

*Early application is advisable as program enrollment is limited and acceptances are offered on a rolling basis.


Summer 2025
Applications Open*Wednesday, October 09, 2024 $100.00
Scholarship Applications DueTuesday, December 31, 2024
Commitment Fee DueWednesday, January 15, 2025$1500.00
Full Payment DueWednesday, February 12, 2025

*Early application is advisable as program enrollment is limited and acceptances are offered on a rolling basis.


Fall 2025
Applications Open*Wednesday, December 04, 2024 $100.00
Scholarship Applications DueWednesday, April 16, 2025
Commitment Fee DueThursday, May 01, 2025$1500.00
Full Payment DueWednesday, June 04, 2025

*Early application is advisable as program enrollment is limited and acceptances are offered on a rolling basis.



Health & Safety

For 60 years, Florida State University International Programs has been committed to providing a rewarding academic and cultural experience that enriches the lives of our students. Our highest priority is and always has been the welfare and security of our students.

Program directors maintain contact with our Tallahassee office, local authorities, and United States officials, both at home and abroad. Each program holds meetings with students in which safety procedures and precautions are detailed and regularly re-emphasized. Each program has an Emergency Plan which includes details about local health care facilities, meeting points and procedures, and contingency plans and funds should it ever become necessary to evacuate our students.

Students are reminded to inform International Programs of the details of their independent travel details via our online travel form, heed US State Department travel advisories, and take relevant emergency and US Embassy/Consulate contact information with them.

Students venture abroad to experience other cultures, and to gain a deeper appreciation of their role as American citizens in the world. FSU International Programs is fully committed to helping students realize these aspirations in a safe and secure learning environment.


International Programs Insurance

All International Programs fees include international medical and evacuation insurance coverage through Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI). A link to our policy is provided below. The coverage will be effective for participants from the day the program starts until the day the program ends. Please note: this policy is NOT intended to replace your domestic coverage. For more information, visit

Travel Insurance Information

FSU International Programs encourages program participants to consider purchasing travel insurance. Travel insurance comes in many forms and can protect you in case you need to change your travel plans due to unforeseen circumstances. The coverage ranges from help with lost baggage to delay in flight plans to trip cancellation.

Travel insurance that covers fees associated with changing your airfare plans is especially helpful for those attending programs that require entry or student visas. Immigration approval can take months with regulations changing often that can cause the need to delay or cancel flight plans. Often airfare arrangements are non-refundable or cannot be changed without fee penalties. Certain types of trip cancellation insurance will reimburse you the cost of your airfare or penalty fees. Travel Insurance must cover failure to obtain visa.

You may wish to begin researching travel insurance and trip cancellation policies by using the Travel Insurance Review website. Their Travel Insurance 101: The Complete Guide to Travel Insurance section is particularly helpful for those just beginning their research. They also have a section that allows you to compare different policies.

Travel insurance is also offered through CISI and Travel Insured International. Please note that this plan must be purchased within 21 days of paying your first fee. For example, if looking to insure the cost of the program, the plan must be purchased within 21 days of paying the commitment fee to International Programs. If wishing to insure only the cost of the flight, the plan must be purchased within 21 days of purchasing airfare.

Travel Resources

University Policies & Resources

Clery Act

In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, the Florida State University study center safety guides include institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, and other matters. The report also contains statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off campus buildings or property owned or controlled by The Florida State University; and on public property within or immediately adjacent and accessible from the campus. A paper copy is available upon request to FSU International Programs at A5500 University Center, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-2420, or by contacting FSU International Programs at (850) 644-3272 or (800) 374-8581.

Copies are also available from the study center administrative offices, or you may download from the links below: