Theatre Academy London | London, England


There isn’t a city in the world with a more vibrant theatre scene than London –from the traditional to the cutting edge. Theatre Academy London (TAL) is located in the heart of the West End. The opportunity to see a variety of theatre performances is a vital part of theatre training in London. This program is designed to make maximum use of these shows, alongside classes taught by distinguished faculty that include some of London’s leading theatre artists. This program provides an immersive experience through theatre training to develop and add depth to students' work. All sessions offer a theatre-going class where students take advantage of London’s extensive theatre offerings, including visits to the Globe and Stratford-upon-Avon. The program includes backstage visits to London’s great national companies as well as visits from guest artists.

Summer (LN71): Film Acting

This Film Acting program gives an intensive introduction to the craft in which students will learn the functions of key crewmembers, the technical vocabulary of the set, and the impact of learning techniques to expand their range of acting abilities.

Fall (LN74): Performance Studies

This program offers theatre training to develop students’ work. Focus is on the actor, and the courses may include classes such as Shakespeare, Scene Study, Movement, and Film Acting. Playwriting, Devising, and Stage Combat may also be offered.


The Musical Theatre program offers courses in Voice/Singing and Musical Theatre repertory alongside dance sessions at a London studio. Students also take Physical Theatre and Introduction to London theatre and two additional courses of their own choosing.

Spring (LN75): Acting

The semester combines conservatory classes with analytical courses in theatre history and criticism. Classes offered include Shakespeare (Acting), Scene Study, and Physical Theatre. Alongside the regular class schedule, TAL also offers a series of master classes and workshops.

Program Description

Program Sessions

Do not purchase airline tickets until advised to do so by International Programs.

CodeTermArrival DateDeparture DateFeeApply
LN75Spring 202501/09/2504/24/25$17,325.00Closed
LN71Summer 202506/06/2507/03/25$7,910.00
LN74Fall 202509/03/2512/13/25$17,890.00
LN78Fall 202509/03/2512/13/25$18,025.00
LN75Spring 202601/08/2604/23/26$17,890.00Applications open April 02, 2025 09:00 AM.


LN71 & LN75

The spring and summer semesters of this program are open to all students pursuing degree programs in Theatre, Music Theatre, Film, English, Communication, Humanities, and in exceptional circumstances, other degrees. Due to the performance nature of this program, students may be asked to submit an audition tape to ensure appropriate academic advising.

LN74 & LN78

Due to the performance nature of this program, all applicants to the fall semester of Theatre Academy must be theatre majors who have completed college level Acting 1 or Performance 1 courses at the time of application and/or been approved to participate by the FSU School of Theatre. FSU BA students must have completed, prior to the program, THE3213 World Theatre History I and THE3214 World Theatre History II. Students may be asked to submit an audition tape to ensure appropriate academic advising.


Participants will stay in shared apartments in central London either in the study center or within walking distance in comparable housing. Amenities include fully equipped kitchens, furnished living areas, Wi-Fi, cable TV, and a cleaning service every two weeks that includes a change of bed linens and towels. Overnight visitors are not allowed in program housing. Click here for a list of nearby hotels for visitors.

Excursions & Group Activities

Immersion and social events planned for this program may include the following. Group activities and excursions vary per session and may change due to unexpected events and/or new opportunities.

  • London Excursions

    Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, Kew Palace and Gardens, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Greenwich, Kensington Palace, Street Markets, West End and Off West End Theatre Performances, Shakespeare's Globe, River Thames Boat Ride, Afternoon Tea

  • Overnight Excursions

    Edinburgh & St. Andrews, Bruges and Ypres, Bath and Stonehenge, The Lake District, Yorkshire, Cornwall

  • Day Excursions

    Hampton Court Palace, Windsor Castle, Cambridge, Oxford, Brighton, Stratford-upon-Avon, Hatfield House, and Blenheim Palace

  • Class Excursions

    British Museum, National Portrait Gallery, Tate Modern, Churchill War Rooms, Victoria & Albert Museum, Natural History Museum, Charles Dickens' House, Hyde Park, Houses of Parliament, Old Bailey, Harrods, Museum of London, Bank of England, Royal Albert Hall, Abbey Road, Sherlock Holmes Museum, Wellcome Collection

Other Activities

  • Guided coach and walking tours of London
  • Opportunity to participate in London Scholars’ Program (Spring/Fall)
  • Events for charity, movie nights, and pub quizzes
  • FSU football viewing nights
  • Staff vs student football
  • Thanksgiving Day meal (Fall only)

Program Fees


  • All registration fees
  • Instructional costs for up to 6 undergraduate credits (LN71) or up to 16 undergraduate credits (LN74; LN75; LN78)
  • Welcome session and orientation
  • Housing
  • Meal vouchers
     * Fall and Spring (LN74, LN75, LN78): £200 worth of meal vouchers per semester
     * Summer (LN71): £55 worth of meal vouchers per each 4-week session
  • Program planned group activities and excursions
  • Course-related theatre/film performances
  • Full-time academic support
  • International health insurance
  • Transport card for class and program-organized excursions
  • On-site administrative and pastoral support
  • IP welcome gift

Do Not Include:

  • Round-trip international airfare
  • Passport
  • Food (except as noted above)
  • Books and supplies
  • Personal travel/activity money
  • Personal spending money
  • University-assessed fees (e.g., per credit hour technology fee)
  • Course-related fees (e.g., theatre tickets)